Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Daily Dialogue

I had an excellent English teacher when I was growing up. While I'm not a lyrical genius, I think I have a rather extensive vocabulary. However, since my children were born my vocabulary has become limited (don't get any wise ideas that this is because I used to speak like a sailor...that's not the case). It seems as if my vocabulary skills have been replaced by the repetition of a few specific phrases. Here are a few phrases that you will hear me say at least once on a daily basis.

"What is that?"

"Put that down"

"Spit it out!"

"Give it here"

"That's Ucky" (I'm not quite sure why Yucky has become Ucky - I blame my friend Jessica D.)

"You're shoo wee"


"Don't put that in your mouth"



"Where did this come from"

"When did you eat (insert food seen in their diaper)"


1 comment:

JessicaDuran said...

you blame me for ucky? do i say that?!?!?!?!? LOL