Wednesday, November 4, 2009

30 Weeks

We have made it to 30 weeks!! We had a doctor's appointment on Monday and another one on Tuesday. Both went very well.

Lukas Glen, a/k/a "Chunk" is weighing in at 4lbs 2oz and is in the 95th percentile for his weight.

Maddox Avery is weighing in at 3lbs 6oz and is in the 60th percentile for her weight.

We were soo relieved that both of these Angels are measuring big for their age! However, we are praying that Maddox maintains her size and starts catching up to her big brother soon. The doctor said as long as she is staying in a normal range they aren't concerned; however, if she starts falling further behind they will definately have to keep a closer eye on her to make sure that she is still getting plenty of nutrition.

They measured my cervix and it has lengthened from 24mm to 34mm after two weeks on bedrest and Terbutaline! It makes bedrest so much more bearable knowing that it is actually helping!!!

My FFN came back negative, so it looks like we can rest assured that we have at least another two weeks with these babies! WOO HOO!!!

My doctors say they think we will make it to at least 34 weeks, but they don't see me making it to 38 weeks! Also, they told me that they typically deliver twins at 37 weeks, because they find that leaving them in there longer can actually be harmful on the twins. So if you guessed our due date for after 38 weeks, you might want to edit it!

We are praying that when God is ready for these babies to be here, regardless of when that time is, that they will make their grand entrance completely healthy and won't have to stay in the NICU.

Thanks for keeping up with our journey and we can't wait for you guys to meet them!!!

Now for the best part...the 30 weeks picture :) I am measuring 35 weeks!

30 weeks



Anonymous said...

oh my! oh my! Praise God for all of the wonderful news. I am sooo happy for you!!!! The bed rest is working!!!! I would like to come see you on Friday. This week has been crazy, but I think about you everyday! Be thinking if there is anything that you need me to bring you. Hope to see you soon, if Friday is ok!!!!

Mrs. A said...

You look great! It looks like you have a hand or foot sticking cute!!!