Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Belly...

As most of you know I can be a pretty persistant person. Unfortunately for me, so can my husband. Despite the fact that I am very self-concious about my oh-so-changing physique, Cody insists on taking pictures of the pregnant belly. Not only does he insist on taking pictures, he also insists that I post them on our blog.

I also keep getting asked if I'm showing or not. So for arguments sake, I'm going to go along with his request. However, I assure you as the weeks pass by and the belly expands even more I will probably be covering it in a shirt to save me and you that visual =)

So here goes....

At 6 weeks the belly looked a little something like this...

6 weeks

Here is what it looks like now that I'm 14 weeks...

14 weeks

I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! There isn't too much of a change, except for I notice a bit more "jiggle in the wiggle"!

We will keep you updated on our appointments and pictures as soon as we get more! Ta Ta!


Anonymous said...

i love it :) glad you gave in, finally

Anonymous said...

Fun!!!! :) love you, charee

Anonymous said...

k your momma insisted i see this. I'm so glad you're blogging instead of having to wear yourselves out with retelling everything over and over again. I'm so excited for you two, or shall i say 4?

Beverly Witcher

Melissa said...

Just read your blog and Ted said, "Are you going to name one, Mr. Ted?" LOL....I have a blog too!! I'll add you guys!! He said there is no lol about it.....haha..he's funny!! We are very happy for you both!!!

Lindsay said...

your belly looks beautiful! I love the pictures.

Miss you two! xoxo