Monday, November 23, 2009

33 Weeks and Thankful!!

We are officially 1 week away from our doctor's "jumping up and down point"! WOO HOO! We can't wait for that 34 week appointment on December 2nd, but I'm actually 34weeks on November 30!

Since Thanksgiving is this week, we are hoping that this will make the time fly by. My Dad and Patti are going to be coming down to spend Thanksgiving with us and we are soo excited! My dad bought tickets to the Cowboy's game on Thursday, so he and Cody are super excited to sit in the club seats at the new stadium. I'm excited to have Patti as company!

In light of the upcoming holiday, Cody and I would like to share a few things that we are Thankful for...

• We are Thankful for a wonderful Lord and Savior who has provided and cared so dearly for us.
• We are Thankful that we found each other ♥
• We are Thankful for Awesome parents and family that make every experience in our lives that much more fun, because they make it a point to be involved!
• We are Thankful for not 1, but 2 healthy babies that will complete our home.
• We are Thankful for our friends who are always there for us.

We are Thankful for so much more, but we wanted to give you a little preview of some of the top things in which we are Thankful.

Cody and I have been preparing for the arrival of these littles ones very early on in the pregnancy, which has turned out to be a blessing since I got put on bedrest. Everything is washed, put together, put away, and complete and the nursery is patiently waiting to be filled... We recently made a purchase for our kid's first CHRISTMAS is a picture...


Thank you for checking in on us! We are Thankful to have you there for us!!
Lastly, Here is my 33 week picture!!

33 Weeks


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

32 Weeks...

First off, I would like to say we are sooo excited to have made it to 32 weeks! Each week is such a milestone in the development of our little ones and we are blessed to have made it this far!!

Yesterday, I had my 32 week appointment with my OB and the Perinatologist! Both went pretty well! Maddox is weighing in at 4lb 10oz and Lukas is weighing in at 4lbs 12oz! So little sister is giving her brother a run for his money! She is measuring in the 90th percentile and he is measuring in the 95th percentile! Keep in mind that the measurements now can be off +/- 1lb.

We got a few 3D shots of Lukas's face....

Lukas Lukas 2

I would love to be able to show you Maddox as well, but as a typical woman she wasn't ready for her close-up. I guess we will finally get to see her when she makes her grand appearance!

My doctors were both pleased with the progress and didn't feel the need to see me for another two weeks. My cervix has shortened quite a bit since the last appointment, but they said that this is going to happen beings that I have over 9lbs of baby pressing on it! They said if I make it to 34 weeks, I will have made it to a "jumping up and down point" for them. At 34 weeks, they said my treatment will become more lax and that they will no longer stop any type of labor!

We are now praying for a 34 week appointment on December 2nd! We hope we can make it to that milestone! However, if I have learned anything in this entire pregnancy experience it is that my time and God's time can be two totally different things and despite what time I deem to be the "right time", he knows the best time for these little ones to be here!!!

Lastly, My 32 week picture...and I'm measuring 37 weeks!!

32 Weeks


Thursday, November 12, 2009

31 Weeks

Well Well Well...I have finally gotten around to updating my blog this week! Nothing much has been going on this week, just trying to make it through till next Tuesday when I have my next two doctor's appointments and a Sonogram.

However, even though this week is pretty uneventful I have had several visits from friends to help pass the time...Thank you Katie, Jessica, and Richard for having lunch with me or just coming over to hang out and give me some company, it is appreciated more than you'll ever know! I'm also excited to see Kelly and Betsy tomorrow for our Ladies Bible Study!!

Today I am anxiously awaiting my Mom and little brother, Lyle to be here. They are coming down for the weekend to give Cody a break from cooking and entertaining me! I'm soo excited to have the company, especially since Cody will be working this weekend =(

Everything with the pregnancy has been going great. The babies are moving soo much, and it is no longer the sweet little taps and kicks...they are moving with a purpose and it is definately known on this end!!! As some of you have noticed and commented, they seem to be favoring my left side and there is typically a body part sticking out. Much to my dismay, it appears my "Snooze Button" aka my belly button is fighting a losing battle. It is trying soo hard to pop..but I'm trying soo hard to not let it! We shall see in the near future.

Cody has already started pestering his two children. He presses down on their space and acts like he is playing the piano on my left side...this makes them very unhappy and they kick and move in return. However, he does make it up to them when he reads to them every night :) So far he has read them tons of nursery rhymes, "God Gave Us You", and "I'll Love You Forever".

Cody has also been building, constructing, and piecing together all of the wonderful gifts we received at the shower. Here is a picture of our Snap-N-GO Stroller. It is soo lightweight and easy to use. All you have to do is Snap in the carseats and Go..hence the name Snap-N-Go....


Lastly, here is my GIGANTIC 31 week picture =)

31 weeks


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

30 Weeks

We have made it to 30 weeks!! We had a doctor's appointment on Monday and another one on Tuesday. Both went very well.

Lukas Glen, a/k/a "Chunk" is weighing in at 4lbs 2oz and is in the 95th percentile for his weight.

Maddox Avery is weighing in at 3lbs 6oz and is in the 60th percentile for her weight.

We were soo relieved that both of these Angels are measuring big for their age! However, we are praying that Maddox maintains her size and starts catching up to her big brother soon. The doctor said as long as she is staying in a normal range they aren't concerned; however, if she starts falling further behind they will definately have to keep a closer eye on her to make sure that she is still getting plenty of nutrition.

They measured my cervix and it has lengthened from 24mm to 34mm after two weeks on bedrest and Terbutaline! It makes bedrest so much more bearable knowing that it is actually helping!!!

My FFN came back negative, so it looks like we can rest assured that we have at least another two weeks with these babies! WOO HOO!!!

My doctors say they think we will make it to at least 34 weeks, but they don't see me making it to 38 weeks! Also, they told me that they typically deliver twins at 37 weeks, because they find that leaving them in there longer can actually be harmful on the twins. So if you guessed our due date for after 38 weeks, you might want to edit it!

We are praying that when God is ready for these babies to be here, regardless of when that time is, that they will make their grand entrance completely healthy and won't have to stay in the NICU.

Thanks for keeping up with our journey and we can't wait for you guys to meet them!!!

Now for the best part...the 30 weeks picture :) I am measuring 35 weeks!

30 weeks
